
my self !

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Ketekunan membawa kejayaan (The success of perseverance)


Ketekunan bererti member tumpuan kepada sesuatu kerja hingga selesai dengan sempurna dan membawa kejayaan serta kecemerlangaan kepada organisasi dan individu.

Dalam usaha untuk menjadikan pekerja tekun menjalankan tugas amalan-amalan negetif seperti malas, sambil lewa, suka bertangguh, disuruh buat baru buat harus digantikan dengan sifat-sifat yang baik seperti rajin, dedikasi, tekun dan bersemangat.

Penghayatan peringatan ini akan melahirkan pekerja yang tekun dan mahir menjalankan tugas dan selanjutnya pasti membuahkan kejayaan.Bersemangat dan tidak mudah mengalah dalam melaksanakan tugas walaupun banyak rintangan.


Setiap guru yang diarahkan sebagai ahli jawatankuasa pelaksanaan untuk Hari Guru, masing-masing menjalankan tugas mengikut bahagian tugasan yang telah ditetapkan.

Jika semua guru bekerjasama serta melaksanakannya dengan penuh tekun, secara tidak langsung kerja yang mengambil tempoh yang lama akan dapat di siapkan atau di sempurnakan dalam masa yang singkat.

Keseronokan Berkerja (The Pleasure Of Working)


Dalam mewujudkan keseronokan berkerja amalan-amalan negative seperti menganggap kerja sebagai suatu beban harus digantikan dengan sikap menganggap kerja sebagai suatu ibadat maka akan wujud keseronokan untuk berkerja yang mana pulangnnya adalah pahala.

Ia merupakan sumbangan kebajikan untuk masyarakat dan negara.Dengan sendirinya kita akan merasakan kepuasan kerana sumbangan kecil mereka telah berjaya membangunkan negara.Sekiranya kerja kita itu pengkhususan bidang kita maka dengan sendirinya kita menjadi pakar yang diiktiraf.


Penjawat awam yang cemerlang akan berkerja dengan penuh tanggungjawab dan penuh dedikasi.Setiap kerja serta tugasan yang diarahkan dijalankan dengan amanah dan tidak akan terasa terbeban di bahunya sekali pun kerja yang dilakukan kemungkinan baru pertama kali dilaksanakan.

Ketinggian Peribadi (The Worth Of Character)


Peribadi seseorang ialah “the total personality” wataknya, sikapnya, perilakunya dan gaya membawa diri dalam pergaulan sesama manusia, baik di rumahnya sendiri, di dalam organisasinya dan di dalam masyarakat umum.Pengalaman hidup biasanya membawa watak.Namun watak sahaja tidak cukup untuk membantu satu peribadi yang baik.Sikap yang positif dan terbuka membantu seseorang meningkatkan keperibadianya ke tahap yang lebih tinggi.

Ketinggian peribadi merupakan matlamat usaha penerapan nilai-nilai murni serta kepatuhan kepada etika kerja kerana pekerja yang memiliki ketinggian peribadi adalah lambang kecemerlangan.

Pekerja yang mempunyai ketinggian peribadi merupakan seorang yang jujur, berkata benar, ikhlas, pintar, berbudi bahasa, penyayang, cekal menghadapi cabaran dan kesulitan dalam melaksanakan tugas serta cirri-ciri lain yang unggul.


Seorang guru tidak hanya dinilai dari segi penampilannya sahaja, bahkan dilihat dari segenap aspek komunikasi serta cara pergaulan dengan rakan sejawat dan juga masyarakat di sekeliling mereka.

Keutamaan bersabar (Patience Virtue)


Kesabaran terutamanya di kalangan masyarakat malaysia adalah sangat-sangat dituntut.Malah kesabaran juga dikaitkan dengan keimanan seseorang dalam agama Islam.

Sifat-sifat negatif seperti cepat putus asa, keluh-kesah, gopoh-gapah, takut menghadapi cabaran, kurang sabar, cepat marah dan panas baran harus digantikan dengan sifat-sifat murni seperti tenang apabila menghadapi masalah atau kesulitan, tidak mudah mengalah atau cepat sangat putus asa, pemaaf dan mempunyai wawasan jangka masa yang panjang dan juga sentiasa memikir kehadapan.

Kebiasaannya pekerja-pekerja yang banyak bersabar akan tahan menerima teguran, nasihat,pandangan dan tidak mudah kecewa atau terganggu emosi kerana ditegur atau dimarah oleh ketua-ketua mereka.Kebiasaannya orang-orang yang amat sabar tidak akan tergugat dengan kritikan dan juga khayal dengan pujian.


Seorang pekerja yang sabar dan tabah mempunyai daya ketahanan hati atau perasaan dalam menghadapi sebarang tekanan, desakan keadaan sekeliling atau menerima sebarang kesusahan.

Dalam keadaan seperti ini, dia tidak akan terburu-buru membuat sesuatu keputusan. Agama banyak member galakan supaya kita bersabar kerana sabar itu adalah separuh dari iman kita semua.sifat sabar boleh mendidik jiwa seseorang bertambah baik, cekal, dan sentiasa dalam ketenangan.


Ketekunan membawa kejayaan (The success of perseverance)
Ketekunan bererti member tumpuan kepada sesuatu kerja hingga selesai dengan sempurna dan membawa kejayaan serta kecemerlangaan kepada organisasi dan individu.
Dalam usaha untuk menjadikan pekerja tekun menjalankan tugas amalan-amalan negetif seperti malas, sambil lewa, suka bertangguh, disuruh buat baru buat harus digantikan dengan sifat-sifat yang baik seperti rajin, dedikasi, tekun dan bersemangat.
Penghayatan peringatan ini akan melahirkan pekerja yang tekun dan mahir menjalankan tugas dan selanjutnya pasti membuahkan kejayaan.Bersemangat dan tidak mudah mengalah dalam melaksanakan tugas walaupun banyak rintangan.
Setiap guru yang diarahkan sebagai ahli jawatankuasa pelaksanaan untuk Hari Guru, masing-masing menjalankan tugas mengikut bahagian tugasan yang telah ditetapkan.
Jika semua guru bekerjasama serta melaksanakannya dengan penuh tekun, secara tidak langsung kerja yang mengambil tempoh yang lama akan dapat di siapkan atau di sempurnakan dalam masa yang singkat.

Keseronokan Berkerja (The Pleasure Of Working)
Dalam mewujudkan keseronokan berkerja amalan-amalan negative seperti menganggap kerja sebagai suatu beban harus digantikan dengan sikap menganggap kerja sebagai suatu ibadat maka akan wujud keseronokan untuk berkerja yang mana pulangnnya adalah pahala.
Ia merupakan sumbangan kebajikan untuk masyarakat dan negara.Dengan sendirinya kita akan merasakan kepuasan kerana sumbangan kecil mereka telah berjaya membangunkan negara.Sekiranya kerja kita itu pengkhususan bidang kita maka dengan sendirinya kita menjadi pakar yang diiktiraf.
Penjawat awam yang cemerlang akan berkerja dengan penuh tanggungjawab dan penuh dedikasi.Setiap kerja serta tugasan yang diarahkan dijalankan dengan amanah dan tidak akan terasa terbeban di bahunya sekali pun kerja yang dilakukan kemungkinan baru pertama kali dilaksanakan.

Ketinggian Peribadi (The Worth Of Character)
Peribadi seseorang ialah “the total personality” wataknya, sikapnya, perilakunya dan gaya membawa diri dalam pergaulan sesama manusia, baik di rumahnya sendiri, di dalam organisasinya dan di dalam masyarakat umum.Pengalaman hidup biasanya membawa watak.Namun watak sahaja tidak cukup untuk membantu satu peribadi yang baik.Sikap yang positif dan terbuka membantu seseorang meningkatkan keperibadianya ke tahap yang lebih tinggi.
Ketinggian peribadi merupakan matlamat usaha penerapan nilai-nilai murni serta kepatuhan kepada etika kerja kerana pekerja yang memiliki ketinggian peribadi adalah lambang kecemerlangan.
Pekerja yang mempunyai ketinggian peribadi merupakan seorang yang jujur, berkata benar, ikhlas, pintar, berbudi bahasa, penyayang, cekal menghadapi cabaran dan kesulitan dalam melaksanakan tugas serta cirri-ciri lain yang unggul.
Seorang guru tidak hanya dinilai dari segi penampilannya sahaja, bahkan dilihat dari segenap aspek komunikasi serta cara pergaulan dengan rakan sejawat dan juga masyarakat di sekeliling mereka.

Keutamaan bersabar (Patience Virtue)
Kesabaran terutamanya di kalangan masyarakat malaysia adalah sangat-sangat dituntut.Malah kesabaran juga dikaitkan dengan keimanan seseorang dalam agama Islam.
Sifat-sifat negatif seperti cepat putus asa, keluh-kesah, gopoh-gapah, takut menghadapi cabaran, kurang sabar, cepat marah dan panas baran harus digantikan dengan sifat-sifat murni seperti tenang apabila menghadapi masalah atau kesulitan, tidak mudah mengalah atau cepat sangat putus asa, pemaaf dan mempunyai wawasan jangka masa yang panjang dan juga sentiasa memikir kehadapan.
Kebiasaannya pekerja-pekerja yang banyak bersabar akan tahan menerima teguran, nasihat,pandangan dan tidak mudah kecewa atau terganggu emosi kerana ditegur atau dimarah oleh ketua-ketua mereka.Kebiasaannya orang-orang yang amat sabar tidak akan tergugat dengan kritikan dan juga khayal dengan pujian.
Seorang pekerja yang sabar dan tabah mempunyai daya ketahanan hati atau perasaan dalam menghadapi sebarang tekanan, desakan keadaan sekeliling atau menerima sebarang kesusahan.
Dalam keadaan seperti ini, dia tidak akan terburu-buru membuat sesuatu keputusan. Agama banyak member galakan supaya kita bersabar kerana sabar itu adalah separuh dari iman kita semua.sifat sabar boleh mendidik jiwa seseorang bertambah baik, cekal, dan sentiasa dalam ketenangan.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Everything I Own...

You sheltered me from harmKept me warm, kept me warmYou gave my life to meSet me free, set me freeThe finest years I ever knewWere all the years I had with you...

And I would give anything I ownGive up my life, my heart, my ownI would give everything I ownJust to have you back again....

You taught me how to loveWhat it's of, what it's ofYou never said to much butStill you show the wayAnd I know from watching youNobody else could ever knowThe part of me I can't let go....

And I would give anything i ownGive up my life, my heart, my homeI would give everything i ownJust to have you back again....

Is there someone you knowYou're loving them soBut taking them all for grantedYou may lose them one daySomeone takes them awayAnd they don't hear the wordsYou long to say....

I would give anything I ownGive up my life, my heart, my homeI would give everything I ownJust to have you back againJust to touch you once again...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What is love? It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But no one can give the proper definition of love. To some Love is friendship set on fire for others Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it. No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind.

Love is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker. Love protects; preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. Always stand steadfast in love, not fall into it. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true. heart: what is loveLove can occur between two or more individuals. It bonds them and connects them in a unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence. It enhances the relationship and comforts the soul. Love should be experienced and not just felt. The depth of love can not be measured. Look at the relationship between a mother and a child. The mother loves the child unconditionally and it can not be measured at all. A different dimension can be attained between any relationships with the magic of love. Love can be created. You just need to focus on the goodness of the other person. If this can be done easily, then you can also love easily. And remember we all have some positive aspect in us, no matter how bad our deeds maybe. And as God said �Love all�

Depending on context, love can be of different varieties. Romantic love is a deep, intense and unending. It shared on a very intimate and interpersonal and sexual relationship. The term Platonic love, familial love and religious love are also matter of great affection. It is more of desire, preference and feelings. The meaning of love will change with each different relationship and depends more on its concept of depth, versatility, and complexity. But at times the very existence of love is questioned. Some say it is false and meaningless. It says that it never exist, because there has been many instances of hatred and brutality in relationships. The history of our world has witnessed many such events. There has been hatred between brothers, parents and children, sibling rivalry and spouses have failed each other. Friends have betrayed each other; the son has killed his parents for the throne, the count is endless. Even the modern generation is also facing with such dilemmas everyday. But �love� is not responsible for that. It is us, the people, who have forgotten the meaning of love and have undertaken such gruesome apathy.

In the past the study of philosophy and religion has done many speculations on the phenomenon of love. But love has always ruled, in music, poetry, paintings, sculptor and literature. Psychology has also done lot of dissection to the essence of love, just like what biology, anthropology and neuroscience has also done to it.

Psychology portrays love as a cognitive phenomenon with a social cause. It is said to have three components in the book of psychology: Intimacy, Commitment, and Passion. Also, in an ancient proverb love is defined as a high form of tolerance. And this view has been accepted and advocated by both philosophers and scholars. Love also includes compatibility. But it is more of journey to the unknown when the concept of compatibility comes into picture. Maybe the person whom we see in front of us, may be least compatible than the person who is miles away. We might talk to each other and portray that we love each other, but practically we do not end up into any relationship. Also in compatibility, the key is to think about the long term successful relationship, not a short journey. We need to understand each other and must always remember that no body is perfect.

Be together, share your joy and sorrow, understand each other, provide space to each other, but always be there for each others need. And surely love will blossom to strengthen your relationship with your matter of affection.

Friday, September 3, 2010

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Drifting Articles

Video -- Friends Racing 1000 Horsepower Toyota Aristo Drifting

Friends Racing is a tuning shop in Japan where they complete in the D1 Grand Prix professional drift series with several vehicles. One of the vehicles they use for the D1 Street Legal competition is this 1000 horsepower Toyota Aristo (USA Lexus GS300). Very cool car to watch drifting here at Nikko Circuit. Friends Racing Toyota Aristo Drift

Video -- AE86 vs. Honda Civic Type R

For 20+ years old the AE86 still has a lot of fight left in it. Keiichi Tsuchiya demonstrates in a battle against a Honda Civic Type R. AE86 vs. Honda Civic Type R

Video -- 2008 GT (Gran Turismo) Awards

Each year, Kazunori Yamauchi the CEO of Polyphony Digital comes to the SEMA Show to select one vehicle to be digitized and become part of gaming history as an official vehicle in the Gran Turismo video game franchise. 2008 GT Awards Ceremony

Drifting Glossary

A quick left - right / right - left "S-turn" usually placed onto straightaways in order to slow drivers down before they reach slower corners.

Choku-Dori (aka Chaku-Dari)
A commonly misused term in the United States. Oftentimes used to describe a side to side, swaying drift typically used on straightaways (aka Manji), but is really a long sliding drift through a braking zone.

Corrective steering used to balance and maintain an oversteered condition. (turning the steering wheel in the opposite direction of the turn once the vehicle starts to oversteer)

Refers to the D1 Grand Prix - All Japan Professional drifting compettition. Held in various locations across Japan (and now the USA, Europe, and Asia) and judged by Keiichi Tsuchiya, the D1 has become the standard by which all drifters are judged. The D1 holds a multiple round point competition in which drivers compete for both individual event wins and overall season points. Competitions typically consist of a qualifying day for competitors to determine the top 32 drivers. The top 32 enter competition and perform a solo pass for judgment and further elimination. The next round consists of the top 16 drivers who (from this point in the competition on) are competing in head-to-head "Tsuiso" format. The drivers are eliminated round by round until one driver emerges as champion.

Allowing the rear wheels of a vehicle to burn rubber, causing the car to rotate around the front tires, again and again.

To cause a vehicle to exceed its tires' limits of adhesion, exhibiting a lateral slip, resulting in an oversteered condition.

Drift King
Japanese racer Keiichi Tsuchiya is a living legend in the world of drifting. Although many may claim to be good, there is only one true Drift King.

Drift Run
Refers to any vehicle proceeding through the designated Drift Course / Turn.

E-Braking (hand braking / side braking)
Using a vehicle’s emergency brake to induce a drift. (emergency brakes lock up only the rear wheels of a vehicle, making them perfect tools for drifting)

Exhibition Drift
The purpose of drifting at the Drift Session is to cause maximum oversteer in a vehicle while maintaining speed. Vehicles are not judged based on time trials or speed, but rather on the completion of clean and exaggerated drifts which maintain a reasonable rate of speed. Exhibition Drifting also includes techniques as one hand drifting, trying to open the door while drifting.

Grand Touring Sport, or something like that. A common addition to many sport type car names. Commonly referring to the 1984-1987 Toyota Corolla GTS.
see "Hachiroku"

The thing that separates the men from the boys according to Signal Auto's Fumiaki Komatsu. Hawaii Motorsports Center's got lots of them.

Literally translated eight – six, but commonly used as the name for the AE86, 1984-1987 Toyota Corolla GTS. Runs on the DOHC 4-AGE motor, rear wheel drive w/ lsd.

Heel-Toe Shifting
A drifting technique where the clutch is pressed with the left foot while the right foot presses the brake with the toes and the heel slides over to the accelerator to rev the engine up before downshifting the vehicle. (allows smooth downshifting, without jolting the vehicle)

Hawaii International Racing School. Offering classes to locals and tourists on professional race driving skills. Drivers get in-depth classroom instruction and driving time in spec race cars. Classes also include car control clinics where participants can use their own vehicles.

Limited Slip Differential (LSD)
Axle gearing that allows power to be transferred to the wheel with the most traction. Similar to posi traction. (allows both power wheels to “lock up” and spin at the same time)

Long Course
The full-length road course at Hawaii Raceway Park. Instead of turning from the Quarter Mile Straightaway at Short Course Turn 1, drivers proceed down the remaining straightaway to Long Course Turn 1 before heading back towards the Chicane.

The first set of turns on the Hawaii Motorsports Center Road Course. "Off-Camber" describes the turns because the road slants away from the inside of the turn.

Causing a vehicle to over rotate while cornering. (causing a vehicle to be on the verge of spinning out; good for drifting and really fun)

An American racing term for drifting that commonly refers to utilizing excessive horsepower to cause a loss of traction resulting in a drift.

Road Course
A racing course made up of actual roadways consisting of various straightaways, corners, and bends. For example: a large parking lot with cones placed on it to designate a course would not a a "road course" since it does not consist of an actual roadway; neither would an oval-track be considered a road course since there is little / no variance of corners and straightaways in the course used.

Short Course
Used to refer to the course used at Drift Session events and most major competitions at Hawaii Motorsports Center. This typically begins at the Skid Pad, through the Staging Lanes, into the Sweeper, down the Quarter Mile Straightaway, through Short Course Turn 1, up the Back Straight, through the Chicane, and finally through the Off Camber. The entire Short Course can be connected by skilled drivers and is also run in reverse direction.

Japanese version of the Nissan 240SX. Comes in S13, S14, or S15 variations. Typically coveted for its low cost, yet very sporty look and relatively powerful turbocharged, 4-cylinder engine the SR20-DET. A frequently used vehicle in the sport of drifting in Japan and abroad.

Staging Lanes
The set of lanes between the Off-Camber and the Sweeper at Hawaii Motorsports Center. The lanes are marked with paint and numbers.
Also used to refer to the line or cars leading to either the Road Course or U-Turn.

The long "sweeping" turn that leads from the staging lanes, past the tower, and out onto the quarter mile straightaway. One of the most challenging sections of Hawaii Motorsports Center, to master the sweeper is to induce drift after the exit of the Off Camber, maintain a constant radius drift through the entire sweeper and end on the straightaway at high speed. The guardrails on both sides of the sweeper and narrow roadway make this corner particularly dangerous.

A loss of traction in a vehicle’s front tires, caused by excessive speed in relation to a cornering angle, causing the vehicle to slide outwards during a turn. (taking a turn too fast and not being able to hang it, your car starts to slide outward; not good and not fun)

The hairpin turn at the end of the quarter mile straightaway at Hawaii Motorsports Center (aka Turn 1).

Blue Nissan Skyline GT-R V-spec II

Nissan Skyline BNR34 GT-R V-spec 2 with 18inch Rays Volk CE28N wheels, Nismo Carbon pillar panel, front, side Clear lens and front lip. It has mostly Impul products such as height adjustable suspension, front pipe, Impul Blast 2 muffler and Hi-Power computer. Only air cleaner is Blitz SUS power.